dude.wad started off in a pretty great head start back in 2017 with many maps and weapon changes. the wad first ever started as an edit of map01 DOOM 2 and it lead me to make more shit levels causing a compilation of levels to be able to be played.
the group in 2017 did very few contributions but were nice and helpful either way, with poly making a silly troll map and eli eventually tuning up my map design.
enter dudemelon
the Dude Melon (also known ingame as "n**** munch" is the very SECOND thing that was added. its pretty much entirely the same except more health, louder audio, and the same alert and death sounds! dude.wad was becoming real.
the old maps arent special.
just the same thing but really different.
like this one.
and this one.
APRIL 7TH 2018, i made a rec room account.
this was the downfall, the time killer.
rec room was probably the only thing i played anymore, the ps4 was probably screaming for the entirety.
in the beginning of 2020, i got back to serious work (mostly rushed) and pushed it to a neocities page. it was pure hell.
the journey was devastating, a project that got put aside thanks to a vr game. atleast it managed to be able to be played.
many things throughout the following month were touched up and fiddled with, lots of things felt wrong.
and then i think to myself..
if dude.wad used doom 2 style progression...
dude2.wad was immediately being worked on.
many things were altered, probably everything.
the development in 2020 was honestly pretty fun trying to get the doom1 feeling of gameplay, even if it doesnt, im happy about the intermission screen.
this screenshot was probbaly around march of 2020 and i still play rec room like a loser, there was only about 6-7 maps at this time.
and yes, ralsei exists.
things were going great! cinna came along and helped me immensely on dude2 and even got me to change it to a pk3. lots of changes throughtout the year, relating to making more weapons and touching up previous ones.
the unused levels in dude2 isnt something to write home about